नेपाल सरकार
सहरी विकास मन्त्रालय

काठमाडौं उपत्यका विकास प्राधिकरण

प्राधिकरणका हालसम्मका उपलब्धि



  1. Making road widening a reality by achieving some 200 kms of road RoW clearance with additional 64 kms marked for clearance, and additional 500 kms identified for clearance.
  2. Another 300 kms road width opening under GLD (Guided Land Development).
  3. Finalization of Planning and Building Bye-laws of Kathmandu Valley.
  4. Completion of Participatory Land Development of 4,366 Ropanies of land through 10 projects; 7,271 Ropanies ongoing through 9 projects and more projects in pipeline.
  5. Identification of 887 sites for public land preservation, of which preservation have been secured in 24 sites, and already planned in additional 36 sites.
  6. Piloting of Pro-poor Urban Regeneration in Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan City, Piloting of Small Scale Integrated Rain Water, Storm Water and Waste Water Management System, Narayan Chaur Public Garden Project, Kamal Pokhari revitalization, enhancing the aesthetics of selected widened roads already in progress.
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